dimanche, avril 30, 2006

74. Chapelle-Colonne de l'Avesnois.

I am writing anaother blog (link on the title of this message) about this small chappells which one can see in dozens, in hundreds in the Avesnois. At the edge of the way or in the middle in the town in a wall, in a hedge, in front of a house like here or at a crossroads. In the past times people used to go when they were religious fests in processions from one chapell to another... The typical chappell of the Avesnois is made out of blue stone which is extracted on the Mont de Baives, another high point of the Avesnois (230 meters high). They are called column chapell because they are made of a column on which or in which is a small hole with a statue which is often of the Virgin Mary. They are also saints. They are called also "Oratoires".

A village Cartignies has more than hundred chappells. I know two in Pont-sur-Sambre, but there are perharps more and this one is in Anor (highest point in the North) where there are severals.

Perle de Rosée.

Posted by Perle de Rosée at April 30, 2006 1:27 AM

Links :



The virtual travel of Perle de Rosée :

Now , I am crossing with my virtual ship along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea and I take then at the edge of the Camargue another virtual boat on the Rhône and Lyon and then on the Saône and Dijon.

And there I find Jean of Dijon and I'm kooking with you at his photos of the blog : Dijon Daily Photo.

Link posted by Perle de Rosée at April 30 2006, OO:50 AM.

samedi, avril 29, 2006

73. Spring on the highest point of the North.

Where is the highest point of the North of France ? At the Mont Cassel ? Mont Noir ? Mont des Cats, in the flamish country ? No... No... No...
Here in the Avesnois. It is 270 m high. Not already a mount, but on a high plain at the border of the mountain Ardennes. The highest point of the department Nord (North) is at a place (lieu-dit). - one lieu-dit is a part of a village, but outside of the village itself - named Le Point du Jour.
It is a really beautiful name and means Daybreak. It is near the french-belgian frontier in the East of Anor and not far from the department Aisne. This highest point in the department "North" is between the rivers which flows in the Sambre and the river which flows to the Oise, and from there to the Seine which flows in Paris.
The Sambre flows to the North-East to the Meuse in Belgium. the Oise flows in the Seine and from there in the Channel, so this high point of the North separate on one part the waters of the North Sea and of the Channel.
The little river which flows through Anor is called "Eau d'Anor' and floes then to the Oise.
Posted by Perle de Rosée on April 29, 12:33 PM.
Links :
(translations : will be updated)
The virtual travel of Perle de Rosée.
Now, we are crossing though a little part of the Mediteranean Sea and we stop our virtual boat in Ste Maxime, Côte d'Azur. it's the french riviera and a country were the weather is always good : Sainte Maxime Daily Photo.
Posted by Perle de Rosée on April 29, 2006, 12:50 PM.
Perle de Rosée.

vendredi, avril 28, 2006

72. After the evening sky, the night lake.

I took this photo yesterday evening at the lake of VAL JOLY. It is a leisure lake (with a dam) about 30 km from here. When this photo came from the photograph it was all grey and one can see almost nothing. With a little play on contrast and luminosity I got this. You can see the white birches at the edge of the lake.
Perle de Rosée.
Posted by perle de rosée to Pont-sur-Sambre and Avesnois Daily Photo at 4/28/2006 08:12:00 PM
Links to the translations (will be updated)
The virtual travel of perle de rosée
or the link of Friday, Bastia, Corsica, France.
I am sailing now from Barcelona across the Lion Gulf und a little further to the Isle of Corsica, which is for us, North people, at the other side of France, and I stop my virtual boat in Bastia where I am looking with you at the photos of Tierra Vecchia.
perle de rosée

jeudi, avril 27, 2006

71. Spring evening sky.

An early spring evening sky in Le Quesnoy (West Avesnois). The first green is coming on the trees in the early spring time. I took this photo not far from the Etang du Pont-Rouge (Red bridge lake).

Posted by perle de rosée to Pont-sur-Sambre and Avesnois Daily Photo at 4/27/2006 12:59:00 PM


Links to the translations

(will be updated)




The virtual travel of Perle de Rosée

From Lisbon I'm sailing with my virtual ship North, along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean and there I'm finding Porto and the Daily Photographer Nino Gonçalves.

Then I have to sail in the other direction around Spain to come to Barcelona where I found two Daily Photographers : Rob and Carlos.

Update 2/11/07 : Bob's or Rob's (?) blog is no more there. I wonder how many City Daily Photo are no more doing their blog. I think it is hard to publish every day a picture, so like now there are long periods without photos in my blog, although I continued to photograph.

Perle de Rosée

Libellés : , , ,

mercredi, avril 26, 2006

70. Where is the O ?

By looking at that minigolf place in Le Quesnoy, 16km far away from Pont-sur-Sambre, at the west side of the forest of Mormal, main town of Quercitain and West Avesnois. One thing is sure : Gulf means in french Golf, and also it fails here an "o".

Perle de Rosée.


Links :

french/français/französisch (will be active later)

german/allemand/deutsch (will be active later)


The virtual travel of Perle-de-Rosée.

Now we are returning to Europe from the South West Side and we are now in Lisbon with Joao Pequenao to look at his City Photo Blog of Lisboa.

Updated at 1st november 06 : And there is now also Lisboa Daily Photo.

Perle de Rosée.

mardi, avril 25, 2006

69. Sur le Pouce (On the thumb).

In North of France like in Belgium, people like frites. Here is a small quick restaurant in Le Quesnoy where you can buy frites. This meal is made out of potatoes. The quick restaurant is called "Sur le Pouce" (On the thumb) because you can eat here very quick without sitting. And this way of eating is called in french "manger sur le pouce" (transladed word by word : "to eat on the thumb". It means "to eat quick). There is another expression which one say, when we have no chair to sit on : "Je ne vais quand même pas m'asseoir sur mon pouce !". Wordly it means : "I shall not sit on my thumb !".
Perle de Rosée.
Posted by Perle de Rosée at April, 25th 3:46 AM.
Links (will be active later) :
The virtual travel of Perle de Rosée.
The Canary Isle is virtually part of Spain and Europe (part of the European Union too), but geographically they lay at the side of the African Continent. So, it is now my second pause in Africa before returning to Europe. I come from South Africa with my virtul ship sailing along the coast of West Africa and I belong to the Canary Isles, where I find the Tenerife Daily Photos.
Posted by Perle de Rosée at April, 25th 2006, 3:25 AM
Perle de Rosée.

lundi, avril 24, 2006

68. Poor tree.

I took this photo in Le Quesnoy (West Avesnois), not far from the Etang called Etang du Pont Rouge which you can see on the photo just below. You can see yourself what it is, a tree with a very big circumference (in Europe the trees do not grow so high like the sequoias of California which are becoming 100 m high, it is perharps because the men always cut them), a tree which is in the North of France 30 or 30 m high is a tall tree.
Links on my translations of this post (will be updated).
The virtual travel of Perle de Rosée.
Now from Rome where I'm so in the South of Europe, I am taking my seven miles boots to walk until South Africa to Bloemfountain (it means in afrikaans, a language which is near to the dutch and the flemisch, the fountain of flowers). There we look together at the photos of Marieta, before returning to Europe in a few day again and I have not forgotten the other friends of my continent whom I shall visit a few days later. So, we are looking to-day at Bloemfontein Daily Photo.
Posted by Perle de Rosée at April 24th 2006,

dimanche, avril 23, 2006

67. L'étang du Quesnoy = the pool of Le Quesnoy.

The town of Le Quesnoy has like Maubeuge and Avesnes-sur-Helpe some town walls which were made by Vauban. In the past the region was often the theather of wars and Vauban, at the time of Louis XIV in the 17th century let build this walls to protect the towns and the country. So that many towns of North of France have these sort of town-walls. You can see the first wall (the smallest) in the back of the lake, which you can find at the entrance of Le Quesnoy coming from St Quentin or from the entrance of the forest of Mormal (a forest which lays in the West of Pont-sur-Sambre and in the East of Aulnoye) coming through Jolimetz.

So that Pont-sur-Sambre which is 16 km at the East of Le Quesnoy, 16 km southwestly from the walls of Maubeuge, and 14 km in the East of Avesnes-sur-Helpe iq surrounded by towns with walls of Vauban and was also good protected from the invasions of the North-East.

The pool of the Pont Rouge (or of the Red Bridge) in Le Quesnoy which you can see on this photo is also good protected.

Perle de Rosée.


Links to the translations of this note (will be updated).




The virtual travel of Perle de Rosée

or the link of Sunday : Rome, Italy.

"Ma Roma non fu fata in un giorno". It is a sentence of the Assimil Methode my father repeated a lot of time when learning italian. And now I'm leading you from Venice to Rome and to the photos of Joe : Rome Daily Photo.

Perle de Rosée.

samedi, avril 22, 2006

66. The Gilles of Pont-sur-Sambre.

Those people are named the Gilles. They have big hats on their heads , and they are all big because their clothes are fulled with straw. They do not bear their big hats the whole time. There are also Gilles in Binche in Belgium, but they never leave their town. Our Gilles leave sometimes Pont-sur-Sambre for a defilé in the neighborhood. On their clothes, they have the Lion of Belgium and the colors of Belgium black, yellow and red although we are in France and although they are french Gilles. In the 17. century Belgium and the North of France were the same land and they were ruled by the king of Spain. There were named the spanish Netherlands (netherlands means lowlands). In the part of North of France near the North Sea it was spoken flamish ( a variety of dutch), and it is always spoken there in some families.
Perle de rosée
Posted by perle de rosée to Pont-sur-Sambre and Avesnois Daily Photo at 4/22/2006 04:33:00 AM
The virtual travel of Perle de Rosée
Now, we are going a little further towards the South to look at Venice with Suzy and Pierre. So we are looking at Venice Daily Photo.
Perle de Rosée

vendredi, avril 21, 2006

65. The 2 CV don't want to start.

So, now I have also my picture with a Deux Chevaux called Deudeuche in France. It is at the town feast in Pont-sur-Sambre and the group of (false) sisters, brothers and vicairs is called Les Amis du Bocage.(The bocage is a landscape with many hedges). The Deudeuche did want to start just after a dance of the sisters and vicairs at a crossroads. Nobody knows if they did it extra or not.
Perle de Rosée.
Posted by perle de rosée to Pont-sur-Sambre and Avesnois Daily Photo at 4/21/2006 12:32:00 AM
The virtual travel of Perle de Rosée
From Stuttgart to Bern, it is not a long way. So we are looking now at the photos of Bern by Mikescotland., a scotish man living in Bern.
perle de rosée
Posted by perle de rosée to Pont-sur-Sambre and Avesnois Daily Photo at 4/21/2006 12:22:00 AM

jeudi, avril 20, 2006

64. Joyeuses Pâques !

A little too late, but we are still in the Eastern holidays. My husband brings to us eastern rabbits in the german way (but bought in France), because he lived as child and young man in Saarbrücken, Germany.
Perle de Rosée




Esatern in the City Photo Blogs (daily and not daily) : (wille be updated)____________________

The virtual travel of Perle de Rosée.
The link of Thursday : Stuttgart, Germany.

Now I'm going the Mosel upwards and the Rhine upwards until the Bodensee (Lake of Constance), and I'm coming in a railway station where I'm taking the "Schwäbsche Eisebahne", (the Railway of Schwaben) in the other direction as in the german folksong "Auf de schwäbsche Eisebahne" ("The Railway of Schwaben") : Durlesbach, Meckebeure, Biberach, Ulm und Stuegart... It means we are going to Stuttgart, wo ich mir auf einem City Photo Blog "Life in Stuttgart" Photos aus Stuttgart ansehe (translation? Where I look in the City Photo Blog "Life in Stuttgart" at pictures from Stuttgart).
Perle de Rosée.

mercredi, avril 19, 2006

63. Church St Pierre in Fourmies

This is the church in the midtown of Fourmies (in the East Avesnois). Its name is St Pierre. I have taken the photos by going downstairs from the place where it stands a little above the street St Louis, which is the Main Street of the town.
A few years ago a music teacher who teached at the same secondary school like me at this time let play and sing here from the children regional choir a Requiem which he composed. It was an a 13th August and the weather was so hot, that the North people and singers who stood and sat in the church, who don't use to have a so hot temperature, went sick and fell in unconsciencness to the ground. All people ? No.. A lot of people ? No.. But about 20 people and singing girls fell on the bottom. So that the organization of the concert brought many bottles of water to the church so that the people could drink during the concert.
Perle de Rosée
Other pictures of Fourmies (will be updated).
french/französisch/français (will be updated)
The virtual travel of Perle de Rosée.
I have only to sail from the Rhine to the Mosel at Koblenz to go to Trier and to look at Sebastian Photos. Trier is a very beautiful town, I can say it, because I saw Trier with my eyes last December.
Posted by Perle de rosée, 1:51 AM.
Updated 1/11/06
Other link on Trier :
New blog of Sebastian Nebel.

mardi, avril 18, 2006

62. The grey wall.

It's wednesday since a few minutes. But in America, it is still tuesday and around midnight, it is so long we did not go to sleep the day before. So, now it is Wednesday on the calendar but Tuesday in my head All that to say it is the photo of Tuesday.
Here is a wall of the side of an haouse of the cité Notre-Dame in Pont-sur-Sambre. The side walls or walls without windows are often protected in this way againt the bad weather and the cold winds. The plates are brought over the walls. In the EDF Cités of Pont, only the side houses of the ranges of houses are protected on he only side wall they have.
Perle de Rosée.
Posted by Perle de Rosée at 12:05 AM on the 19th April 06.
The virtual travel of Perle de Rosée
(or the link of Tuesday : Rheingau und Wiesbaden)
Nun, wie soll ich zu den anderen Städten, Städtchen und Regionen Deutschlands fahren, die unter den City Daily Photographers vertreten sind? Einfach ! Ich schiffe mich in einen Spree- oder Havelhafen in Berlin ein, und über Kanäle une Flüsse komme ich bis zum Rhein. Den schiffe ich hinauf bis in den Rheingau und Wiesbaden, wo Nicola wohnt... Und sie zeigt mir und euch ihre Photos.
In english ?
How do I go to the other cities, little towns and regions of Germany, where the city daily photographers are living ? Easy ! I go to a ship in one of the Havel or Spree harbour in Berlin and I'm going over river and streams to the Rhine. And then I sail upwards to the Rheingau and Wiesbaden where Nicola lives... and she shows us her photos of her region.
Perle de Rosée.
Posted by Perle de Rosée at 11:31 PM, 18 April 06.

lundi, avril 17, 2006

61. The door

Garden and house 's door in the main street of Pont-sur-Sambre.
Posted by Perle de Rosée at 8:28 PM, April 17th, 06.






The virtual travel of Perle de Rosée
or the link of Monday : Berlin.

All people knows Berlin. And now I am sailing again though the Baltic Sea to the coast of Germany. I take then the virtual DB railway to Berlin and I'm eating with my eyes some paint eggs of Eastern. "Hmm! Es schmeckt!" No problem for the language here, because Philipp speaks german and I can understand all what he writes in german. So we are looking at Berlin Daily Photo.

Perle de Rosée.

Posted by Perle de Rosée at 1:18, April 17th, 2006.

Libellés : , , , , ,

dimanche, avril 16, 2006

60. Do you want to get confettis ?

This little boyes are thowing confettis on the crowd at the feast of Mi-Carême (carnaval parade) in Pont-sur-Sambre. They have clothes of sailors because they are in a ship (with wheels).
Perle de Rosée.
Posted by Perle de Rosée on 3:15 AM, 4,16, 2006.


(will be later updated)

Another photo of the same ship with the same children on the supplement : Here.




The virtual travel of Perle de Rosée

or the link of Sunday : Tungesta in Sweden.

Yesterday I discovered a new blog. The one of Stefan Jannson of Tungelsta in Sweden. So I must sail again though the Baltic Sea to visit Tungelsta which I could visit yesterday on the way to Estonia. It is a little more way for my virtual ship/ Whereto shall I sail to-morrow ? Ah,ah ! that's must stay a mystery until to-morrow..; the blog of Tungelsta is named Photos from Haninge.
Perle de Rosée
Posted by perle de rosée, 2:56 AM, 4, 14, 06.

samedi, avril 15, 2006

59. Sun Umbrellas

  • Here you can see the sun umbrella with mouse of the scottish man you can see below.
  • On the umbrella you can see also a drawing with a statue of Jean Bart who is a great man of Dunkerque (Dunkerque is about 164 km away from Pont-sur-Sambre and is a great harbour at the North Sea. But it is in the same department.)

  • Photo made at the Mi-Carême (carnival parade) of Pont-sur-Sambre.
  • Perle de rosée

  • Posted by perle de rosée to Pont-sur-Sambre and Avesnois Daily Photo at 4/15/2006 12:55:00 AM
  • Links :
  • Link on the german translation. Link auf die deutsche Übersetzung. Lien sur la traduction allemande.
  • Link on the french translation. Link auf die französische Übersetzung. Lien sur la traduction française.

  • The virtual travel of Perle de Rosée :
  • So, from Pont-sur-Sambre, which is in the North of France, not far away from the boundary of Belgium, we are travelling through Belgium, England and Norway. If I have forgotten someone of the City Daily Photos in these countries, please send me a comment here and I shall do the link.
  • Now, we are travelling a little more to the East of Northern Europa. With my virtual ship I am going East to the Baltic Sea, I found nobody on Sweden of Finland, but I found a Daily Photographer in Talinn, the capital of Estonia, it is Simon : Talinn Daily Photo.

Perle de Rosée.

vendredi, avril 14, 2006

58. A curious child for a curious mother.

This woman is part of the group of Dunkerque who came for the carnival of Pont-sur-Sambre. This carnival is called Mi-Carême. The stewpans make noise on the street and are part of the music of the group.
I took this photo on the Mi-Carême of Pont-sur-Sambre.
perle de rosée.

Link :

  • Link on the french translation. Lien sur la traduction française. Link auf den französischen Text.
  • Link on the german translation. Lien sur la traduction allemande. Link auf den deutschen Text.

Perle de Rosée.


The virtual travel of Perle de Rosée (8) :

Trondheim, Norway.

To day, we are sailing from England across the North Sea to Norway and we make a break by Alexander by Trondheim Daily Photo. But a very short break because the blog of Alexander is closing his door to day because he moved to another town. We have enjoyed very much his blog and especially his snow landscapes of this past winter.

Added on August 2th : The blog of Trondheim came again in another form a few weeks later.

Posted at Pont-sur-Sambre and Avesnois Daily Photo on April, 13, 2006, 1:11.

perle de rosée

jeudi, avril 13, 2006

57. Jeanjean and his bearers.

  • There is a bearer in the giant Jeanjean. When the giants are greater, there are several bearers. Jeanjean has also two other men which have the same clothes as he, who held him on the sides so that he cannot fall on the side.
  • Perle de Rosée.

Links :



Perle de Rosée.

Scotland and Edinburgh

The virtual travel of Perle de Rosée (7)
In the guests of Dunkerque there were also a scottish man. I don't know from which clan he is but I desicace my phto of this scottish man to Grant and to Ewan of Edinburgh Daily Photo and Scottish Daily Photo. Photos taken on the 2nd April in Pont-sur-Sambre.
perle de rosée
Posted by perle de rosée to Pont-sur-Sambre and Avesnois Daily Photo at 4/13/2006 12:26:00 AM

mercredi, avril 12, 2006

56. Jeanjean is coming into my blog.

It is more as a week ago that Jean-Jean, our giant made his yearly round all around the town of Pont-sur-Sambre... Here he is discussing with the people of Dunkerque that sent a delegation to him. The group of Dunkerque and Jeanjean of Pont-sur-Sambre on a street of Pont-sur-Sambre in April 2006.
Perle de rosée
Posted by perle de rosée to Pont-sur-Sambre and Avesnois Daily Photo at 4/13/2006 12:02:00 AM




The virtual travel of Perle de Rosée (6)

We are coming to another town of England and more in the North. It is Newcastle...
perle de rosée

Posted by perle de rosée to Pont-sur-Sambre and Avesnois Daily Photo at 4/12/2006 12:12:00 AMUpdated 26/9/06 : The new adress of Newcastle Daily Photo on this blog ;Click here.

Perle de Rosée and Dominique/dominika.

mardi, avril 11, 2006

55. Classic.

A classic decoration above the old door of an old little house. Some houses looks awful when you look at them from the far without opening the eyes. But when you open the eyes, you discover things you'd never seen before. The owner of this house will be perhaps surprised to discover this decoration over his front door. There are things we look everyday at it and you do never see them...This photo was taken on the street Notre-Dame (the long street that leads to Bachant in Pont-sur-Sambre. From to-morrow on, you shall have the photos of Jean-Jean, taken about a week ago and the carnival, a few here and a lot on the side blog "Supplement". I have got them to-day. There are very lively and look like a movie.perle de rosée
Posted by perle de rosée to Pont-sur-Sambre and Avesnois Daily Photo at 4/11/2006 11:41:00 PM



(links on the translations - will be updated when the translations shall be done)




The virtual travel of Perle de Rosée (5)

It is another link to the South of England, to Brighton Daily Foto with Dean Harvey.

Perle de Rosée

lundi, avril 10, 2006

54. Hedged index pointed on the factory.

The evergreen hedge (the hedge of a garden : a great hedge of thuyas) is pointed to the electricity production factory (the building you saw in the background is the electricity factory, earlier run with coal, in the next time with gas). The weeping willow in the garden is becoming green. The building in the far is the electricity factory. Pont-sur-Sambre was in a recent past the electricity town with the three towers of the factory. The region whose name is Sambre-Avesnois is along the river Sambre an old industry country. The rest of the Avesnois is country-side. with much meadows and hedges.
Perle de Rosée

Links :german/allemand/



The virtual travel of Perle de Rosée (4)

To-day we continue to visit England and we make a break in Bristol, where Fabrice (sure a french man) lives a few months ago. Now he moved to another town Bristol Daily Photo.

Posted by Perle de Rosée, 5:33 PM

dimanche, avril 09, 2006

53. Another dawn.

Another dawn in Pont-sur-Sambre.
perle de rosée
Posted by perle de rosée to Pont-sur-Sambre and Avesnois Daily Photo at 4/09/2006 12:55:00 AM


Links :




The virtual travel of Perle de Rosée (3)

Now we are taking the virtual ship from Rotterdam to England, to visit Ham's town. With our virtual navigator we are sailing into the Thames. Look at Ham's blog London Daily Photo.

Perle de Rosée
Posted by Perle de Rosée 12:36 AM

samedi, avril 08, 2006

52. House in the Main Street

A photo for Saturday (to-day) ... A typical house in the Main Street. This Master's House (Maison de maître) is typical for the big houses of the region. The photos of the feast are not already developped.
Perle de rosée
Posted by perle de rosée to Pont-sur-Sambre and Avesnois Daily Photo at 4/08/2006 02:03:00 AM





The virtual travel of Perle de Rosée (2)

On the way to England and Scandinavia I make an pause in Rotterdam where I let you look at the blog of the daily Photographer Dutchie of Rotterdam in South Netherlands. I'm also, I'm born in South Nederlands, near Rijssel (Lille), but it is in France. By me and by Andreaa of Brussels it were until the 17th century the spanish Netherlands. Egmont tried to make us free. The Prince of Orange made Holland free earlier... and we were neither free, because we became the subjects of Louis XIV and are still occupied by France (It's humor naturally, but my birth name is dutch). Rotterdam Daily Photo.

perle de rosée

Posted by perle de rosée to Pont-sur-Sambre and Avesnois Daily Photo at 4/09/2006 12:02:00 AM

vendredi, avril 07, 2006

51. Local architecture.

Here is a house in Fourmies, it is a house of the Main Street, the street St Louis, of the street where are all the shops, with an insurance shop on the floor. It is a typical way to build in the North of France, with red bricks. But on the street the buildings are very eclectic, traditional houses, houses like antique temples, houses which look like antique temples and so on... In the past Fourmies was a town whith much wool industry. Fourmies has a great past and its houses, also if they are not so big like in Paris or Lille, have much character.
Perle de Rosée


Links :




The virtual travel of Perle de Rosée (1)

I'm going first to the blog of Andreaa of Brussels because it's the nearest town of Daily Photo Blogs to Pont-sur-Sambre. There are only 90 km from here to Brussels and it is nearest as Paris. Look at Brussels Day by Day. To-morrow I take the virtual plane to..... Psst!

perle de rosee
Posted by perle de rosée to Pont-sur-Sambre and Avesnois Daily Photo at 4/07/2006 05:01:00 AM

Every Day a Link - The virtual travel of Perle de Rosée.

Dear Daily City (and regions and villages) Photographers.I shall visit your sites again and I try to make a new link everyday. I make it like a travel around the world in a geographic way. My route begins in the North of France, Then I'm going to the North of Europa, then... I hope I shall have a good virtual travel. With you my dear friends, I'm sure I make a good virtual travel... A photo everyday, yes, whan I'm at home.
perle de rosée.
Posted by perle de rosée to Pont-sur-Sambre and Avesnois Daily Photo at 4/07/2006 02:32:00 AM

jeudi, avril 06, 2006

50. At the edge of the Sambre.

Hello, I'm again here. I was three days in travel for a very high competition of teachers of germanVery high competition, there are only two dozen places for the whole France. This competition doisn't not exist in other countries.
And now the photo : this is a view of Bachant from Pont-sur-Sambre,. The houses you see are in Bachant, but the fields are in Pont.

Perle de Rosée.


Links :




Perle de Rosée.

mercredi, avril 05, 2006

49. My car ?

On a carussel on the main street this car is a-waiting on a small driver. I took this photo in Pont-sur-Sambre.

perle de rosée

Links :
Link on the french translation. Lien sur la traduction française. Link auf die Übersetzung ins Französische.

Link on the german text. Lien sur le texte allemand. Link auf die deutsche ÜBersetzung.

Perle de Rosée.

mardi, avril 04, 2006

48. Stage and flags

Here you can see better the stage for the major, his concellors and the concellor of the department Nord in the next town. This people will sit on the stage while the groups of the carnival of the Mi-Carême dance on the street. You see it is in front of the Town Library in Pont-sur-Sambre..

Link : german/ allemand/deutsch.

Link : french/ français/ französisch.

lundi, avril 03, 2006

47. Before the feast begins.

  • It is the town for the beginning of the feast. Taken around 2 PM o'clock. On the right you can see the flags at the side of the stage where the mayor shall stay at the beginning of the feast. There are the flags of France, the country were stays Pont-sur-Sambre, the flag of Belgium the country that is 20 kms away and the flag of Europa. It is there that in the evening the mayor will stay with its councellors and that the clothes full with straw of the Gilles of Pont will be burnt. It is behind the tower that at the end of the feast around 19 hours we shall see a rainbow. As you can see, the weather is cloudy with sun and there were two times rain.
  • Perle de Rosée.




Perle de Rosée.

dimanche, avril 02, 2006

Jean-Jean had outdoor to-day.

To-day was the town-feast of the Mi-Carême. It is an old feast to celebrate the coming of the spring. And for the first time of the year, the sun was a little warm, but then it did rain two times. After one of the rain Jeanjean went to the stage where sits the mayor and his councellors, and Jean-jean had to run home (to the feast hall). It rained one other time at the end of the defile before the Gilles came. Yes, in Pont-sur-Sambre we have both : a giant and Gilles. Old town feasts of the North of France, like carnival parades (défilés carnavalesques) with Gilles or giants of drageons, like all people who work for it and those who look at the parades are part of the non material cultural heritage of mankind of the UNESCO (So, when I'm looking at the feasts of my town and singing with the parade music, I am part of the immaterial heritage of mankind (Hmm!). The custom of the Gilles (these men with the big white hats and the straw in their clothes which make them to look fat and the custom of the burning of the Gilles straw and the custom of the Giants are coming from a very old time, when North of France and Belgium was under the spanish crown. The spanish brought this customs from South America and from other people like the Incas. The giants are to be found also in some parts of Spain. Here to-day they burnt a straw Gilles at the end of the feast, but before they changed it with a straw Gilles there were a lively Gilles on the straw-cock and all around where a circle of fire. The Gilles dance around the Circle of fire. And then when the straw all around is burnt they change the really man who is still alive, with a false man of straw and burnt the straw-cock with the straw-man.
I find the music which was played on the street was especially melancolic and nostalgic. We had also a group of the carnival of Dunkerque (very kind people) who played on Fifres (a sort of little flute which sounds like a tin-whistle but which is bigger. And this music was nostalgic. At the end of the feast the music which acommpagny the Gilles was also nostalgic, and people sang together to the music, without words (and I sang also, so I'm also part of the mankind heritage), I had no film more in my camera to photograph the end of the feast with the "Brulâge des Bosses" (Burning of the straw Gilles) ans so I didn't make one of the beautifulest photos of my life I could make to-day : just when the fire stopped and the Gilles left the place on the main road, there where a double rainbow behind the enigmatic tower of the XVII century, of the time when the North of France was spanish. No photo. But it was a magic time... and also if every night we are hearing the sound of very far thunderstorms (the thunderstorms are in the region of Fourmies), we are sure that with such a rainbow the spring is coming now, but the spring comes very late this year.
In May there's the town-feast of the town of Berlaimont four kms from here and they have a drageon, the Bouzouc. Until this day I shall have perhaps a numeric camera.
(Updated in September : No, I get no numeric camera for my birthday).
Perle de Rosée.

46. Proud and high (but out of season). Waiting on Jean-Jean.

I'm going to photograph the Mi-Carême, the feast of Pont-sur-Sambre at 14 o'clock. Jean-jean, our giant will go ourdoor. Usually he stays in the feast-hall. I make argentic photos (with films) and I shall publish the photos in a few day after the development of Tuesday.
Perle de Rosée


Links :



samedi, avril 01, 2006

45. La lavande du Nord.

Usually is the lavendel a flower of the South of France, of the Provence. But here in the North it can grow very well. Here is a garden of the neighbourhood where lavendel grows to very big bushes.
Perle de Rosée

Links (will be updated)



Perle de Rosée