69. Sur le Pouce (On the thumb).
In North of France like in Belgium, people like frites. Here is a small quick restaurant in Le Quesnoy where you can buy frites. This meal is made out of potatoes. The quick restaurant is called "Sur le Pouce" (On the thumb) because you can eat here very quick without sitting. And this way of eating is called in french "manger sur le pouce" (transladed word by word : "to eat on the thumb". It means "to eat quick). There is another expression which one say, when we have no chair to sit on : "Je ne vais quand même pas m'asseoir sur mon pouce !". Wordly it means : "I shall not sit on my thumb !".
Perle de Rosée.
Posted by Perle de Rosée at April, 25th 3:46 AM.
Links (will be active later) :
The virtual travel of Perle de Rosée.
The Canary Isle is virtually part of Spain and Europe (part of the European Union too), but geographically they lay at the side of the African Continent. So, it is now my second pause in Africa before returning to Europe. I come from South Africa with my virtul ship sailing along the coast of West Africa and I belong to the Canary Isles, where I find the Tenerife Daily Photos.
Posted by Perle de Rosée at April, 25th 2006, 3:25 AM
Perle de Rosée.
I like the name a lot ! Has a certain rhythm to it !
Posted by Luminlight to Pont sur Sambre and Avesnois Daily Photo at 4/25/2006 at 05:31:56 AM
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