samedi, avril 01, 2006

45. La lavande du Nord.

Usually is the lavendel a flower of the South of France, of the Provence. But here in the North it can grow very well. Here is a garden of the neighbourhood where lavendel grows to very big bushes.
Perle de Rosée

Links (will be updated)



Perle de Rosée


At dim. sept. 03, 10:03:00 PM 2006, Anonymous Anonyme said...

That'll be beautiful when the flowers come out!

Posted by Nicola to Pont-sur-Sambre and Avesnois Daily Photo at 4/01/2006 03:03:57 PM

At dim. sept. 03, 10:05:00 PM 2006, Anonymous Anonyme said...

Does it give off a nice smell all year round?

Posted by Grant F to Pont-sur-Sambre and Avesnois Daily Photo at 4/02/2006 10:24:44 AM

At dim. sept. 03, 10:48:00 PM 2006, Blogger perle de rosée said...

To Nicola : Then I do again a photoraphy at the flowers times.

Posted by perle de rosée to Pont-sur-Sambre and Avesnois Daily Photo at 4/02/2006 05:13:19 AM


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