dimanche, août 31, 2008

He had to change his photos which were looking like mine

You asking yourself why I put the message below, but the man had to change his photos (published on his blog) which looked a little lot like mine! So they do no more appear on his blog. Victory of the (city daily) photographers to defend their rights on photograph property!
perle de rpsée

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One french blogger finds his inpiration on my blog

On this blog I found one photo lookin strange like mine :
Here the first : This clouds although they are less and the sky is bluer is looking strange like mine, especially the little cloud between the middle and the right seems to be the same. And the inclination of the mountain left seems to be the same as the inclination of the roof of the houses; I know exactly where I made this photo. The man begun his blog on 2008, July and I published my photo on 2006, December....
The blog of the man : The photo of the clouds is at the bottom of the blog.

(I put this adress away, because there were no more link under it)

My photo of 2008 December


For the photo of the leaves below on his blog (link above here) , although the photo is not the same, he found his inspiration on my blog (look at my photo of 2007, November


So you can see on the first photo (the clouds), I fear it is a modification of my photo, you know modifications without allowing are forbidden.

perle de rosée/dominique/dominika

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jeudi, août 07, 2008


I do not publish right now because there is a problem of space in my computer, and until I made place I cannot put the new photos in my computer; I cannot take the risk of a another computer crash if I have not enough place to let the system going well.
Four days ago there were a tornado in the village just after Pont-sur-Sambre along the Sambre, but it was said in the newspaper to-day the tornado took its birth in Pont-sur-Sambre, some people, living along the road to Bavay, about 300m away from our home, at the entrance of Pont at 200m high, said something with many colours with an explosion noise coming from the ground just before their eyes and going to the sky making a way in their garden, destroying a part of a corn field, and going away to the cemetery making injury to some graves and then flying above the country land came to the next village Boussières-sur-Sambre making there injury to some houses, came to Hautmont where it destroyed a whole town district and went in the direction of Maubeuge, the main town in the aera, where it let some roofs flying and some injuries to the houses and the zoological garden, where some birds and animals took their freedom and went take a walk or the flight in the streets of the town. The tornado went until another cemetery in the North of Maubeuge, where it take an end, about 10km away from the first cemetery.
There were 3 death and 17 wounded people. Among the dead people there is a man from the township of Haumont and his wife : their houses crashed above them.
Just before the tornado we came from the sea, and saw a light as we went with the trein to the railway-station, but there were no rain, the whole day it was much wind near the sea about 150 km away from home, and so we were not afraid of the wind as we came home.
A little time afterwards there were storm with a continue white-blue lightning, but without thunder, which is called magnetic storm, we didn't hear from here the noise like an explosion which the people who saw the birth of the tornado heard, but there were a big rain, much silent lightning, and much wind, but here and in the middle of the Pont-sur-Sambre town, there were no injuries to house and people. Only in the fields and houses on the hill at 200 meter of high above (here we are at 170m of high) in the direction of Bavay and Maubeuge.
There were many thunderstormes during these last weeks and this afternoon there was another thunderstorm only with a little rain but big lights and noise. But this summer we have thunderstroms almost every day, but the most of them are in the far.
It is very rare that we get a tornado here. The last one was in ¨Pommereuil at the south of Bois L'évêque and the Mormal forest 1967.
Also we are waiting the next one in 40 years!
dominique and perle de rosée
Links :
After the tornado : diaporama on You Tube (not our photos)
Big disaster in Hautmont : film (not our film)
I made no photos in Hautmont and no photos of the tornado disasters, I think nobody filmed the tornado itself because it came too quickly.
Please if some of my compatriots look at this blog do not worry about my english language, I make this blog since more than two years (since march 2006), you cannot replace me on it, but write your remarks in my comments.

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