dimanche, février 26, 2006

11. Church of Pont-sur-Sambre.

The church of Pont-sur-Sambre (Notre-Dame de Quartes) in the evening, seen out of a hole between evergreen trees from the "Cité Notre-Dame".

Die Kirche Notre-Dame de Quartes in Pont-sur-Sambre am Abend, aus einer Lücke zwischen immergrünen Bäumen der Cité Notre-Dame gesehen.

L'église Notre-Dame de Quartes vue d'un trou entre deux conifères de la Cité Notre-Dame.

Tout comme la Tour, l'église Notre-Dame de Quartes qui date du XVIIème siècle est inscrite au registre des monuments hisotriques.

Our Lady of Quartes is written on the list of french historical buildings.

Notre-Dame de Quartes ist in Frankreich als historisches Gebäude aufgelistet.

Posted by Perle de Rosée at February, 26, 2006, 9:59 pm.

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At dim. nov. 12, 10:49:00 AM 2006, Anonymous Anonyme said...

Nice frame ! Makes it looks like a painting !
Posted by Nicola of Wiesbaden Daily Photo and Rheingau Daily Photo to this blog at 3/22/2006 12:14:28.

At dim. nov. 12, 02:56:00 PM 2006, Blogger perle de rosée said...

But it's no painting... I made the frame on MS Word 2003. Have a good day !
Posted by Perle de Rosée to Pont sur Sambre and Avesnois Daily Photo at 3/22/2006 04:45:08 PM.

The original comment of Nicola was written on March 2006.


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