lundi, décembre 04, 2006

270. Christmas in Fourmies

In the same room as we were on the photos just before, the polish dance group of Anor, the Wojtek and the children dance group Les Galopiots, made as a part of it of the descendants of polish people who went to work in the factories of the North of France, were helding a stand where they sold some little things to the benefit of the Telethon. I photographed them just after I told tales and sung from the table beforeon I sat where I told tales and sung. You can see also just before my guitar and the tale books.

Perle de Rosée


Translation shall be updated.

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At mar. mars 06, 11:39:00 AM 2007, Anonymous Anonyme said...

Vu ta guitare posée près de toi.

At mar. mars 06, 12:08:00 PM 2007, Blogger perle de rosée said...

@elisabeth : Oui, devant moi, plus exactement, c'est moi qui ai fait la photo. Je voulais la faire avec ce premier plan. Question de vue artistique. Entre ma guitare et le stand polonais est l'endroit où les enfants se sont assis pour écouter les contes et les chants.


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