157. The church of Wallers-Trélon.
This church stands in the village of the Blue Stone (Pierre Bleue), Wallers-Trélon, it is in the East of Avesnois, not far from the belgian border. This country is called "Fagne de Trélon". It is the land of the "Blue Stone" par excellence. In this village you can find the Artisanal Center of the Work on Blue Stone (Centre Artisanal de la Pierre Bleue). The Monts de Baives (220m) are not far and from the vilage you can see a quarry of Blue Stone (Blue Stone is granite) . This old church (I shall try to find from which century it is) like almost all the houses of the village is made of Blue Stone. The crosses of iron on the front part have no religious signification. They were sticked on the church-tower wall to avoid that the wall fall down. This year great works of restoration are made on the church wall and in the church. This village stands very far in the country-land and the landscape all around looks almost like mountain. This part of the country-land was called during a long time "La petite Suisse du Nord" or the little Swiss (or Switzerland) of the North. It has nothing to do with Swiss (Switzerland), except the landscape. Every country finds to itself a little Swiss.
I worked on this (new) picture with Microsoft Office Picture Manager to get this effect of a "Post-Card of the Sixties".
The virtual travel of Perle de Rosée (will be updated).
Perle de Rosée
There is an error in the numerotation, so it is for the second time message n°157, and so on...
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