mercredi, août 09, 2006

153. The ancient electrity production unity (evening sky)

This is a picture of the ancient electricity production unity, the Centrale de Pont as we were giving to her the name. Here you can see the central unity where the workers worked, there were three very big cooling towers, but there are now put down (already since a few years) and it changed the aspect of the country, because during 40 years one could see these towers from all the surrounding areal. Now they work there to let fall what is now always here from the Centrale (the electricity was producted with the coal which came from the coal mines of the region between Valenciennes and Lens, but the coal mines were closed what brought a big economic recession in the country) . Now the electricity factory closed its doors and only the old people (the one which get a pension) under the workers stayed here. There are always old employees of Electricité de France who live in the "Cités". The other people like some of our sympathic neighbours went to Dunkerque or to Gravelines, where is the Atomic Electricity Production Unity. Here thy want to build a new Centrale Poweo, the electricity shall be made out of gas. The ecologists especially from the neighbour village Bachant protest again this work. It is the first time that in France an Electricity Centrale shall not be by made by Electricité de France but by a private firm.
The ecologist protest for this :
1) a too big consum of the earth water (so big like the whole consum of all the region Sambre-Avesnois), and we have already problems with the water in summer, when there is a dry weather like during one month in this year. The people must make water economy, so that all can get enough water and this industry will take more than what all the people of the region consums.
2)The second point is about a legionellose, a illness which made already die about twenty people of the region two years ago (in the cancient coal mines in the region of Lens). This work shall bring a warming of the air around it what brings a concentration of this microcospic living being and when the people get to much, they can get this desease which can bring death. This illness cannot touch the people which are under 40 years old. But I'm 55 years old and my husband 58 years old. We cannot buy another house because we are nearly in pension. So that we must stay here.
3) We do not know what industry has to do middle in a regional nature park. Pont-sur-Sambre is near the biggest forest of the North and in the middle of the park. The actually township was elected on an ecologic basis, against a fabric of burning of hydrocarbonats. Why did they accept this gas centrale which shall use fossile energy ? The next village Bachant is for an eolian park.
I too. And wind wheels are beautiful to look at, I find it is good for the rest of the eyes to look at them how they move their wheels. If Poweo want to stay here, it would be good they move to the building of good eolians wheels, not like the french ones which are very smart and sometimes fall down. Here.... we have much wind. Look at the sky on the pictures...
Perle de Rosée