106. The climbing plants are dead.
Since two years that a gatter was built on the historic place in front of her garage she's fighting to let the gatter which was built two years ago desappear. At one of her window, she has also a board which explains how an ennemy of the nature cut the wall-climbing-plants on their feet so that the plants are starving.
It was the first board I photographed as the lady saw me and asked me to photograph the second board, on the door of the ambulance bureau published yesterday, and I promised her to make the affair be worldwide on the world wide web*. It is another remembering to our old town district which desappears.
It is in the little town of Bavay about 8 km away from Pont-sur-Sambre. *
The board claims : an ennemy of the nature cut willingly our wild climbing plants (I do not know exactly the name of the plant in english).
Perle de Rosée
*On the first publishing of the blog there were her an ugly, but funny mistake, I wrote how I can read now in the printing I made at this time : the world wild web!!!!
*Update : I have now find the name of the plant in english : it is called "virginia creeper".
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From Kuala Lumpur it is no far from Singapore, so I'm sailing to that Island with my virtual ship and you can look here in the blog of Singapore Daily Photo.
Perle de Rosée
Libellés : Bavay, nature, nature protection, plants
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