mardi, août 28, 2007

A post auto in Aulnoye...

I was making a lot of photos of the centrum of Aulnoye-Aymeries as a post auto was just stopping at the red light so that I get the post auto on my picture. Although my Cool Pix is very small, the post men and women saw it, and was laughing and asking me to send them the picture. Now they can find it on the Internet. They said to me they are from the post of Maubeuge. In the background you can see the water tower of Aulnoye-Aymeries, called the Château d'Eau, a good locate when you are asking somebody where is some place in Aulnoye... "Oh it is near the water tower... then you have to go to right, then to left, then the second way to the left, and so one..."

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