Before going to sea (2)
I'm going here also to sea with the railway. Here is a graphic picture of a waiting cabin on the quay of the railway-station of Aulnoye-Aymeries. A good day, because during four (o five?) week-ends during the summer-holiday you are allowed to go to the sea for only one Euro. I think on these days I already ride with the railway all around the region Nord-Pas de Calais, during 500 kilometers on a way which making for example Aulnoye-Aymeries to Valenciennes, Douai, Arras, Channel and the return then Channel, Boulogne, Calais (at the north sea), Lille, Valenciennes and Aulnoye. These days are calles TER-MER days. TER is the name of the regional trains, and Mer means Sea, you have also Journées (Days) TER-VERT where the TER stop in Aulnoye-Aymeries, Maubeuge, Avesnes and so on... the days TER-VERT are to visit the Avesnois for one Euro. The number of places is limited so that people have to take their ticket on the first day of the forteen day period where they are sold.
Perle de Rosée
Libellés : days TER-MER, railway station of Aulnoye, TER-MER
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