mercredi, août 29, 2007

The ancient town-hall of Aulnoye-Aymeries...

Here is a graphic picture of the ancient town-hall of Aulnoye-Aymeries. The garden in front of the ancient town hall is completely renoved so that you can see now these "jets d'eau" of water springs. About ten years ago there was a garden in the old way with a small bridge over a small river. I liked it too very much. There is a new town-hall at the side of the new with a modern architecture. But these one can be used for feast purpose. It has a good ancient wedding hall, with a good acoustic. I tried it at a feast of the choir because I sung during a long time in the choir of Aulnoye. At the side of it there is also the ancient feast hall, where I spent many a sunday afternoon or a saturday evening as I was teaching in this town.

Perle de Rosée

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