dimanche, octobre 15, 2006

218. The old college Picasso in Aulnoye-Aymeries.

Here you can see the secundary school called collège in french where I teached between 1977 and 1982. A collège is a school for pupils in their early teens (from 11 until 15 years old). This college was at this time new, but it is now old because a few years ago the school autorities decided to build a new collège instead of the two old colleges of Aulnoye-Aymeries. So that this college which had the best buildings of the two ones is now without pupils or anything else in it. The other college Suzanne Lannoy went to an extension of the job school, so that it has always an use. They don't know what to do whith this one. They said it was a collège Pailleron (the name of a college which burnt in the seventies gave his name to a type of college building. But the collèges Pailleron had no bricks on the side walls like this one. I remember I had here a small class-room in which one could see on the side a brick wall. Now, this college stands here all alone surrounded by houses of the same building time and the climbing plants are climbing on it and the trees all around are growing very high. One of the sapins is perhaps a Christmas tree of us, because I brought one day my Christmas tree their for an action of planting trees.
Perle de Rosée.