samedi, octobre 07, 2006

209. Main road near the Pont-à-Pont

Here is a picture of the Main Road (grand-rue) of Pont-sur-Sambre. As I said two messages below this is the roman road from Bavay (in latin : Bagacum) to Reims (in latin : Remum) here in the direction of Bagacum (Bavay). The photo is taken near the Pont à Pont (Bridge of Bridge).
And near the chapell I showed already here and in front of the oil station.
You can see on the picture also a bus stop. It is a bus stop of the STIbus, which is a town bus company which as lines all along the french town constellation along the river Sambre.
The picture is taken at the same place as the left postcard of the sign-board in the last message of yesterday.
On the left of this picture you can see how the factory has changed its look in not a whole century. It is now part of the factory SAMP. The modern tower of the factory above the water cannot be seen on this photo. It would be more on the left.
Perle de Rosée.
(will be updated).


At lun. oct. 09, 02:15:00 AM 2006, Blogger Sally said...

Such a typically French main road! This is the image I always have of driving thru France.


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