138. The tower of Pont-sur-Sambre in the evening.
It was a very red sunset. I saw it as I went with my car on the street towards the tower, but I had no film more in my camera. So that I returned home to take one and when I went again to the tower, the sunset was no more so red as before. But the rosa back of the sky had a beautiful colour. The lamps on the left side of the road are in my meaning too high for the photo, but I must say there are in Pont not so much wires like in other towns. Many wires are in the earth like in the district where I live.
I must say something, it is here a real City Photo Blog, because I live in a "Cité" with about seventy houses. A "Cité" is a town district with workers houses.
Perle de Rosée (Posted at July 6th, 2006, 4:33PM).
Links :
The link of Thursday, Willamette Valley, USA.
Now we are going a little between the coast mountain range and the other Rockies, where we find a big and large valley called Willamette Valley and we are looking at the blog of Céline : Willamette Valley Daily Photo.
Perle de Rosée.
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