mardi, mai 02, 2006

76. The church of Eppe-Sauvage.

Near the blue lake of Val Joly which I showed you for a few days are several interesting villages like Liessies. Eppe-Sauvage and Moutiers-en-Fagne. This two last names sound very well. A "Fagne" is the same as in german "Venn", for example in the region of Belgium where people speak german near Eupen. The "Fagnes" or "Venn" are all around the Ardennes. And the Avesnois is something like the first hills of the Ardennes Mountains. A "Fagne" is a lonely landscape with grass and forests.

This church is the church of Eppe-Sauvage. Sauvage significates wild like the wilderness all around. It has a typical church-tower roof for the region. There are also church-tower roofs which look like bells like in Berlaimont of in Solre-le-Château.

All these small churches of the Avesnois are often from the 16th or 17th centuries.

(Article posted at May 2, 2006, 12:08 PM).

Perle de Rosée.


Links :

The article in french. Le même article en français. Der selbe Artikel auf Französisch.

The article in german. Le même article en allemand. Der selbe Artikel auf Deutsch.


  • The virtual travel of Perle de Rosée :

Now, I take the virtual TGV (Train à Grande Vitesse : High Speed Train) from Toulouse to Paris where we are finding Eric of Paris Daily Photo. It is the eldest City Daily Photo blog.

(Link posted at May 2, 12:07 PM).

perle de rosée